Monitoring the damage produced by tropospheric ozone (O3) on plants in order to establish new critical levels – MOTTLES, LIFE15 ENV IT 000183 (2016-2020), value: 123,732.00 lei
The purposes of the project aimed at harmonizing the approaches of active monitoring of the ozone concentration and determining the stomatal absorption of O3 specific to some tree species through the DO3SE model.
The results obtained consisted of publications, an innovative active monitoring system capitalized on a pan-European scale, a comparable system for collecting information at the European level and for simultaneous monitoring of forest response indicators, an atlas of visible ozone-induced foliar damage, validated for forest species in Europe, lists of tree species sensitive to ozone pollution.
Increasing the economic competitiveness of the forestry sector and the quality of life through the transfer of knowledge, technology and CDI skills – Cresforlife, POC, ctr. 15/01/09/2016 (2016-2023), value: 17,000,000 lei
The purposes of the project aim at the access of enterprises from the forestry sector to extensive expertise and to the INCDS facilities to transfer research results and to develop research in effective collaboration with them and to increase the economic competitiveness of the Romanian forestry sector in order to generate direct social benefits at the local, regional level , national and international ..
The results obtained consist of publications, transferred technologies, solutions, models, methods capitalized through 17 subsidiary contracts and 7 research contracts in effective collaboration.
Functional connectivity and ecological sustainability of European ecological networks – a case study with the brown bear – BEARCONNECT,H2020, >ctr. 96/2016 (2017-2020), value: 949,499 lei
The purposesof the project consisted in evaluating the functionality of ecological networks, including the networks of national protected natural areas and the Natura 2000 network in Europe, the factors that influence the distribution of the brown bear, respectively the restrictive factors with a negative impact as a result of future changes in the landscape.
The results obtained consisted of publications, the list of interested local actors from different areas of the study, explicit spatial models, guidelines and strategic directions for the development of policies to improve the ecological network.
Climate services for the Water-Energy-Land-Food complex – CLISWELN, H2020, ctr. 77/2017, (2017-2020). 77/2017, (2017-2020). Value: 810,000 lei
The purposes of the project aimed at the development of a cross-sectoral Synergic Climate Services Integrated Framework (SCINF), for the integration of the concept of climate services and for the development of sustainable management policies derived from the results produced by the SCINF.
The results consisted of publications, a hydrological model regarding the management of uses in the Tărlung hydrographic basin, a guide to good practices, innovative solutions utilized for the management of hydrographic basins.
The design of a monitoring and forecasting system based on modern remote sensing techniques (Earth – Observation) for Romanian forests – EOROFORMON, POC, ctr. 90/09.09.2016 (2017-2020), value: 3 688 950 lei.
The purposes of the project aimed at the large-scale use of Earth Observation (EO) data in combination with in-situ forest monitoring and the creation of an innovative body of knowledge (tested and revised) ..
The results consisted of publications, integrated monitoring product (prototype) technologies, innovative methods, 5 researchers specialized in satellite and terrestrial laser remote sensing.
Above- and below-ground biomass and carbon content of a virgin forest of mixed beech and fir – BIOCARB, PNCDI III- RU-TE, CTR. 8/2018 (2018-2020), value: 450,000 lei
The purposes of the project concerned the development of biomass models for two main species (beech and fir), respectively for the determination of the carbon content of different components of the tree and of the soil.
The results obtained consisted of publications, specific models for the estimation of biomass and carbon content from the component parts of the tree and from the soil.
World-first service of high-resolution maps of forest carbon fluxes, storage and their development over time – ForestFlux, Grant Agreemnt no.821860 (2018-2021), value: 142,750 euros:
The purposes aimed to assess the state of forest resources and carbon accumulation in the long term. The results consisted of publications, products and services (development and provision of digital maps and statistical databases) carbon accumulation models and prediction of structural variables based on EO.
Preventing Animal-Vehicle Collisions–Demonstration of Best Practices targeting priority species in SE Europe-LIFE CROSSING, LIFE17 NAT/IT/000464, (2018-2023), value: 376,248 euros
The purposes of the project are aimed at the demonstrative use of innovative Animal-Vehicle Collision Prevention Devices (AVC PS) in new project areas, improving connectivity and favoring the movement of target species populations.
The expected result consist of publications, digital products (risk maps), computer application for mobile devices, warning systems for drivers in risk areas.
FirEUrisk Developing a Holistic, Risk-Wise Strategy for European Wildfire Management, H2020-Grant Agreement no. 101003890 (2021-2025), value: 180,000 euros
The purposes of the project aim to expand the current forest fire risk assessment systems and adapt forest management strategies to expected future climate and socio-economic changes.
The expected results are the development of a European fire risk management strategy focused on forest fire prevention and suppression practices, operational platform to support joint coordination, training instructions and operational exercises in forest fire prevention and fighting
Improving access to FORest GENetic resources Information and services for end-Users Horizon 2020- FORGENIUS – Grant Agreement no. 86221 (2021-2025), value: 55 300 euros
The purposes of the project aim to modernize the current European information platform on forest genetic resources (EUFGIS).
The expected results consist of publications, solutions for making management decisions in order to promote the resilience and adaptability of forest genetic resources, innovative services regarding the accessibility and modeling of data for users of forest genetic resources.
Integrated pest control measures for deciduous species, Ctr. subs. no. 8/06/03/2019 (2019-2023), value 840,000.00 lei
The purposes of the project are aimed at the integrated control of pests in ash and poplar forests. The results of the project consist of transferred technologies of integrated pest control of ash and poplar.
The implementation of phytosanitary treatments with products accepted by the European Union and the evaluation of their effectiveness, Ctr. subs. no. 11/2019 (2019-2022), value 360000.00 lei
The purposes of the project concerned the detection, monitoring and forecasting of defoliation caused by Cephalcia abietis, the testing of new insecticides to protect resin crops against attacks by Hylobius and Hylastes sp., the transfer of new technologies for the application of ultra-low volume aerial treatments against defoliators.
The results obtained consisted of technical guidelines, new phytosanitary products adopted to combat the H. abietis pest, treatments applied using new aerial control technologies.
Management and conservation of valuable genetic resources and use in crops of poplar seedlings and selected willow seedlings, Ctr. subs. nr. 13/06.03.2019 (2019-2023), value 840000,00 lei
The proposed purposes aim at establishing hybrid poplar and selected willow plantations, ensuring a proper management of the plantations, preserving and expanding in culture some valuable acacia genotypes.
The results consist of techniques for the execution of cuttings to form crowns and/or fruiting cuts, in acacia plantations, technologies of vegetative and generative multiplication of acacia Oltenica variety, installation of poplar and willow mother plant cultures, establishment of plantations with selected willow saplings in the embankment area with heavy vegetation conditions.
The characterization of the seasonal and vegetation conditions of the stands within the OS Penteleu in order to establish the management measures in accordance with the sustainable management of the forests, Ctr. subs. nr.15/20.02.2020, (2020-2021), value 776875,00 lei
The purposes of the project aimed at establishing solutions for the sustainable management of forest ecosystems, adapted to the current specifics of the seasonal and vegetation conditions of the stands within OS Penteleu. The results obtained consisted in the development of new sustainable management solutions for 6 production units within the forestry bypass.
Monitoring the state of forest ecosystems and capitalizing on the recreational, cultural and historical potential of urban and peri-urban forests managed by RPLP Kronstadt, Ctr. subs. nr. 14/23.07.2019 (2020-2022), value 1192686,25 lei
The purposes of the project aimed at evaluating the recreational, cultural and historical functions of the forests around the city of Brașov, implementing an integrated monitoring system of the state of forest ecosystems and developing development scenarios for capitalizing on the cultural and historical recreational potential of urban and peri-urban forests.
Project results: 3 methodologies, 16 Studies and reports, GIS databases, 20 long-term research areas, 3 climate factor measurement points, 7 Scientific articles, 1 book.
Dendrometric and dendrochronological peculiarities of the spruce in O.S.R. Gheorgheni, Ctr. subs. nr. 16/21.02.2020 (2020-2021), value 599208,00 lei
The purposes of the project concerned the study of spindle shape variability and the establishment of specific dendroclimatic models for the spruce in the Gheorgheni Forest Reserve (OSR).
The results obtained consisted of publications, dendroclimatic models for spruce in relation to altitude and age, statistical model on the correlative link between stump diameter and base diameter and studies on the variability of growth, dendroclimatic response and spindle shape in the spruce.
Optimizing forest management solutions administered by the Local Public Forestry Authority (RPLP) Kronstadt RA, Ctr. subs. no. 17/11/03/2020 (2020-2022), value 1192686.25 lei
The objectives of the project aimed to optimize the forest management solutions administered by RPLP Kronstadt RA by evaluating and monitoring the state of forest resources, improving the methods and technologies for detecting, monitoring, preventing and combating the main diseases and pests (biotic, abiotic).
The results obtained consisted in the publication of three scientific articles, reports on the main indicators of forest condition characterization and management solutions against biotic and abiotic disturbing agents.
Evaluation of ecosystem functions and services provided by the forests included in Piatra Craiului National Park, Ctr. subs. no. 19/2020 (2020-2022), value 962624.00 lei
The objectives of the project aimed at evaluating the functions and services provided by the forest ecosystems within this protected area through monetary and non-monetary methods and identifying the risk factors that could influence the condition of the stands within it.
The results obtained consisted of methodologies, studies, thematic papers, instruction sets and publications.
Evaluation of the state of conservation of some forest habitats of community interest under the administration of the Călimani National Park, Ctr. subs. no. 21/27.05.2020, (2020-2021), value 945,819.00 lei
The purposes of the project concerned the establishment of conceptual models regarding the assessment of the state of conservation of some forest habitats of community interest under the administration of the Călimani National Park and the implementation of a network of permanent surfaces for the assessment of the state of conservation; implementation of the network of permanent surfaces, assessment of the state of conservation of some forest habitats.
The results obtained were embodied in: adopted conceptual models, 1 network of permanent surfaces for the evaluation of the state of conservation, 1 database, 2 studies (general characteristics of the stands included in the network of permanent surfaces for 1 scientific article.
Evaluation of the possibilities of using some remote sensing techniques based on active sensors in forest ecosystem monitoring activities, Ctr. subs. no. 22/04.03.2021 (2021-2022), value 872000.00 lei
The objectives of the project aimed at evaluating the influence of some environmental factors on the information resulting from the use of terrestrial remote sensing systems with active sensors in forest monitoring activities and evaluating the possibilities of integrated use of terrestrial and aerial remote sensing systems with active sensors in the estimation of some forest variables.
The results obtained consisted of publications, protocols for the acquisition of specific remote sensing data and the use of reflectance panels, databases, study regarding the analysis of the influence of some environmental factors using active remote sensing systems, methodology for merging remote sensing data obtained based on TLS scans and ALS, scientific report on the estimation of some forest variables based on integrated TLS-ALS data.