Short history
The Bistrita Research-Development and Experimentation-Production Station subordinated to the National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry (INCDS) “Marin Drăcea”, the successor of the Cluj Research-Experimentation Station – established in 1950, also includes the Bistrita Development Section – established in 1976 and the Experimental Base (BE) Lechința – established in 1973 which currently administers an area of 4226.86 ha, of which 2939.8 hectares are public property of the state. Also part of the SCDEP are the Târgu Mureș Experimental Base with an area of 178.62 ha and the Păstrăvăria Gilău established in 1987 with a water level of 1842 m2.
Within the S.C.D.E.P. Bistrita, the scientific research addresses priority objectives of the forestry sector, included in international, European, national and sectoral research programs, with the main objective being the restoration of destructured quiver trees in Transylvania.
The technological development activity, alongside scientific research, addresses priority objectives of the forestry sector, included in national and sectoral programs, with the role of dynamizing and increasing the benefits of the forest fund so that it is able to respond to the challenges of current climate change. The forestry sector benefits from great potential to further develop high-quality services and products, beneficial to society as a whole.
Experimentation-production activity has been initiated. after the Lechința Forest Ring was taken over by the Research and Development Institute in 1978, the main objective being the technological transfer of research results, over time various research projects were carried out in various fields such as: restoration of degraded stands, making forests accessible, protection forests. afforestation, etc.

The Tg. Mureș Experimental Base was established in 1982 with the aim of restoring the degraded stands of the Transylvanian Plateau, with an area of 172 ha. In the past period, various research themes have been placed that correspond to the destination of this forest body
Gilău Trout, built in the period 1985-1986, had as its main activity the research and, as a subsidiary, the growth of trout for consumption. With a surface area of only 1,842 square meters, it is composed of 73 pools, which has allowed salmon research to be carried out over time.
Management of the station
The Research-Development and Experimentation-Production Station is a mixed subunit having in its structure:
- a research team;
- a design-investment collective (development);
- three collectives of the National Forest Inventory (IFN);
- Lechința Experimental Base;
- Tg. Mureș Experimental Base;
- Gilău Experimental Base.
The personnel structure of the resort is as follows:
- Research Section: 2 scientific researchers grade I, 2 scientific researchers grade III, 1 scientific researcher; 1 first-level technician, 1 assistant analyst;
- Development Section: 1 technological development engineer first degree, 2 technological development engineers second degree, 8 technological development engineers third degree, 1 technological development engineer, 6 engineers, 1 sub-engineer, 1 technician first degree, 2 technicians second degree, 1 technician third degree -a, 1 chief accountant, 2 computer operators, 1 caretaker;
- I.F.N. office: 2 technological development engineers grade I, 4 engineers technological development grade III, 2 engineers.
- Lechința Experimental Base: 4 positions with higher education, 3 positions with secondary education, 14 positions with basic studies (forestry school, exploitation training).
- Gilău Experimental Base: 1 position with higher education, 2 positions with basic studies (fish farming school).

Cluj Research and Experimentation-Production Section
During the 62 years of activity, approx. 120 experimental blocks, most of them in the northwestern part of Transylvania, in the fields of silvotechnics, silvobiology, genetics, forest protection. The activity took place, in general, within the forestry departments in the northwestern part of the country, 41 of them being in the Lechința Experimental Base. The production activity has been represented within the Resort since 1987, when the Gilău Fishery was put into operation, which, due to the number of pools and their sizes, lends itself very well to the research activity as well.
The most important achievements:
- the development of technologies for afforestation of the sands of the Western Plain;
- the development of the integrated method to combat the defoliators present in the quercine forests of Transylvania;
- the development of ecological technologies for the exploitation of wood mass;
- optimization, according to ecological and economic-social criteria, of the wood collection and transport network;
- the establishment of new technologies to prevent and combat pathogens in forest nurseries;
- approval at the Interministerial Commission of new pesticides used in forestry.
The Research-Development activity is carried out in the cluster intended for the Genetic Research Teams (E3) and Protection (E6), with the following research directions and objectives:
- restoration of degraded forests and re-establishment of forest vegetation in extreme regions;
- silvicultural systems and ecological technologies for wood harvesting;
- forest protection, phytopathology and entomology, forecasts and pest control techniques;
- arboretum management techniques;
- forest genetics, tree improvement and conservation of genetic resources.
- developing new methods to prevent and reduce the impact of climate change and other biotic and abiotic stress factors on forest biodiversity;
- analysis, evaluation and long-term inter- and multidisciplinary research/monitoring of the state of forest ecosystems and their biodiversity under the action of climate change and other biotic and abiotic stress factors;
- the development of studies and the creation of databases on the genetic diversity and vulnerability of trees;
- the development of ecological reconstruction measures for stands affected by biotic and abiotic factors (abnormal drying, degradation, weakening);
- development of new, improved methods based on appropriate measures to combat forest diseases and pests;
- the development of technical guidelines regarding the application of phytosanitary treatments with products accepted by the European Union and the evaluation of their effectiveness;
- the development of new methods of forecasting and integrated combating of forest diseases and pests based on the application of appropriate silvicultural measures and the use of biological preparations with low environmental impact;
- improving the methods of detecting, monitoring, preventing and combating forest pests and diseases;
- preventing and combating diseases in forestry crops;
- testing products for forecasting and preventing insect attacks (synthetic pheromones);
- development of tested biological products for the control of diseases caused by different pathogens in forests.

Bistrița Development Section
The activity, in the 46 years of existence of the I.C.A.S. Branch/Section/Station. Bistrița focused on design works, especially forest management works, realizing:
- drawing up forestry plans for the forest fund public property of the state, or of other holders;
- drawing up additional studies (addendums) to extend or modify the provisions of the arrangements;
- drawing up feasibility studies, technical projects, etc., for forest curtains to protect railways or public roads;
- the preparation of feasibility studies, technical projects, etc., for the afforestation of lands on which there was no forest vegetation before;
- topographic measurements for various works, at the request of various beneficiaries;
- realization of the Geographic Information System (G.I.S.);
- environmental documentation: environmental presentation memorandum, appropriate assessment studies, environmental reports, etc.;
- technical consultancy on the previously listed technological development activities, etc. ;
- the entire range of works that the national forest inventory entails;
- collaboration on research works.

Lechința Experimental Base:
- administration of forest fund public property of the state and other holders;
- services for forests of other holders, outside the state;
- forestry production;
- forest exploitations;
- wooden material transport
- cutting wood material
- sustainable management of the forest fund and application of research results;
- carrying out experiments in order to improve the structure of stands;
The Gilău Experimental Base ensures:
- intensive growth of trout for consumption.
Research-Development infrastructure and services
Infrastructure :
- Equipment and instruments for investigations and measurements: trinocular stereomicroscope with video acquisition, binocular stereomicroscope, autoclave, hood, drying oven, forestry clubs, tape measure for tree diameters, digital planimeters, Garmin G.P.S., Trimble G.P.S., Nikon rangefinders, total station Leica, vertices, laptops and desktop systems with related peripherals and software, field tablets, cars, etc.
- 41 experimental areas (241 ha) in the fields of silvotechnics, silvobiology, genetics, forest protection.
Research Services:
- the implementation of methods, models, technologies and instructions obtained at the completion of applied or fundamental research;
- the realization of experimental – demonstrative surfaces and the technological transfer of research results;
- providing technical assistance and specialized consulting in the field of forest protection;
- consulting in the field of forest protection;
- laboratory analyzes for the identification of diseases and pests of forest species;
- carrying out impact studies, pedostatial studies or ecological reconstruction studies.
Development Services:
- development of planning studies, additional studies, exemptions;
- elaboration of environmental documentation (presentation memorandum, appropriate assessment study, environmental reports);
- carrying out topographical measurements and cadastral works;
- elaboration of studies for the creation of forest protection curtains;
- carrying out specific G.I.S. works
I.F.N. Services
- carrying out work specific to the inventory activity of the national forest fund.
Lechința Experimental Base
- administration of the national forest fund, regardless of the form of ownership;
- forest exploitations;
- wooden material transport;
- cutting wood material;
- other activities related to forestry production.
Gilău Experimental Base
- the production of trout fry for stocking/restocking or intensive growth;
- production of trout for consumption
Bistrița Research-Development and Experimentation-Production Station
Str. Mihai Viteazul, no. 2, Bistrița, Bistrița-Năsăud county, postal code 420180
Senior researcher I Dr. Tăut Ioan
Station Director
Technological development engineerChiș Mihai Constantin
Head of the Development Section
Colesneac Irina-Raluca – Chief accountant
Bălăjan Laurențiu – Purchasing Manager
Research and Experimentation-Production Workshop Cluj and I.F.N Cluj
Str. Horea, no. 65, ap. 4, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County
0264-432554; 0264-591804
Colesneac Irina-Raluca – Chief accountant
Seica Liana Corina – Purchasing Manager
Lechința Experimental Base
Lechința, no. 352, Bistrita – Năsăud county
Dr. Șulea Constantin
Chief Engineer of Lechința Experimental Base
Colesneac Irina-Raluca – Chief accountant
Avram Cosmin – Purchasing Manager