Portofolio of projects
The presentation spot of the COREHABS project
Project financed by SEE Grants 2009-2014, within the RO02 Program – Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services and is implemented through a partnership established between the Transilvania University of Brașov (project promoter), the National Institute for Research – Development in Forestry “Marin Drăcea” SCDEP Brașov , the University of Bucharest, the Carpathian Foundation, the Zarand Association and the Association for the Conservation of Biological Biodiversity
Awards and international recognition
- ICAS is a member or cooperates directly with prestigious international organizations: IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations); EFI (European Forest Institute); IPGRI (International Plant Genetic Resources Institute), ICPForest,ECE/UN (Programme of the Economic Commission for Europe, United Nations), ISTA (International Seed Association), EARSeL (European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories), FTP (Forest-Based Sector technology Platform).
Awards and national recognition
- INCDS as the main developer and manager of scientific and technical information at the level of the national forestry sector, is accredited as a component institution of the research-development system of national interest by the National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS decision no. 9666/2008) and by Center of Excellence in the field of silvobiology.
- It is certified by the competent national authorities, for the development of impact studies and environmental assessments for activities with an impact on forests, for the performance of cadastre, photogrammetry and geodesy works, for the conditioning, preservation and quality testing of forest seeds, pesticide testing in in view of their approval for forestry, etc
Patents and infrastructure

1st place in Top Business Romania 2020
Top for the VOLUNTARI locality, domain 72, Research and development, according to the 2019 balance sheet.

2nd place in Top Business Romania 2020
Top for Romania Enterprises with Romanian Capital, domain 7219: Research and development in other natural sciences and engineering, according to 2019.

2nd place in Top Business Romania 2020
Top for the ILFOV locality, domain 72, Research and development, according to the 2019 balance sheet.

1st place in Top Profit Romania 2020
Top for Large Enterprises, ILFOV county, domain 72, Research and development, according to the 2019 balance sheet.