Areas of activity

Scientific research
Promoting excellence in scientific research, inter-, multi- and transdisciplinarity in order to respond to the new needs of forestry and environmental policy.

Technological development
Planning and development of forests, as well as other lands with forest vegetation.

Administration of experimental bases, production and utilization of forest products in a sustainable way. Management of long-term experimental surfaces in order to achieve the purpose and scientific objectives for which they were installed.
Programs and projects

”The improvement of the conservation status of species and habitats of conservation interest in the Cheile Nerei-Beușnița National Park and the overlapping areas of Community and National Interest, through the revision of the Integrated Management Plan”, SMIS code 142114.
The project "Improving the conservation status of species and habitats of conservation interest in the Cheile Nerei-Beușnița National Park and overlapping areas of Community and National Interest through the revision of the integrated management plan" is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program, 2014-2020.

FORCLIMSOC Core Program 2023-2026
INCDS "Marin Drăcea" runs during the period 2023-2026 the research program "Sustainable forest management adapted to climate changes and societal challenges" - FORCLIMSOC

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan PNRR

Program 1 Development of the National Research and Development System, Subprogramme 1.2 – Institutional performance
The scientific debate on substantiation
statistics of the volume of wood harvested annually
from the forests of Romania
Bucharest, 5.12.2019, Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests
Point of view:
Scientific Council of the “Marin Drăcea” National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry
Point of view:
Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences “Gheorghe Ionescu Şișești”
Point of view:
Conclusions regarding the volume of wood harvested in Romania’s forests – INCDS “Marin Drăcea”
Point of view:
Video recording of the scientific debate on December 5, 2019
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From the achievements of “Marin Drăcea” National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry