Empower citizens to join forces with public authorities in protecting the environment (Enforce)
The project aims to bring communities and authorities together to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and promote sustainable management practices.

Climate resilient development pathways in metropolitan regions of Europe (CARMINE)
CARMINE project will support the adaptation and mitigation capacity of forests in Europe.

Harnessing forest genetic resources for increasing options in the face of environmental and societal challenges (OptFORESTS)
The main mission is to support the protection and sustainable use of forest genetic resources (FGR) in Europe

Optimizing Forest Management Decisions for a Low Carbon Future and Climate Resilience in Europe (OPTFOR-EU)
The project will support the adaptation and mitigation capacity of forests in Europe.

NATURE – within the G-BIKE project
The work was made possible by the European COST Action G-BiKE and involved data from many species across Europe. The study incorporated the efforts of 52 scientists who represent 60 universities and research institutes from 31 countries.

Climate Services for the Water-Energy-Land Nexus (Servicii climatice pentru complexul Apă-Energie-Teren-Hrană (WELF))

A united European response to the growing danger of forest fires.

Monitoring ozone injury for seTTing new critical LEvelS – MOTTLES
Identification of new critical levels for the protection of forests against ozone pollution.

Operationalisation of natural capital and ecosystem services: from concepts to real-world applications – OpenNESS
The OpenNESS project aims to integrate the concepts of Natural Capital (CN) and Ecosystem Services (SE) into operational frameworks that offer tested, practical and adjusted solutions for including SE in land, water and waste management, as well as for the decision-making process.

Conservative management for 4070* and 9260 habitats of ROSCI0129 North of Western Gorj – NORTHWESTGORJ (LIFE+ 11NAT/RO/825)
The project aims to rehabilitate habitats 4070*, 9260, as well as establish conservation measures for these habitats, reduce/eliminate the negative impact of tourism on the restored areas and increase public awareness regarding nature conservation.

Designing Trees for the Future – Trees4Future
The Trees4Future project aims to integrate, develop and improve research infrastructures in the field of forest genetics and silviculture.