Dendrometry, forest management, forest monitoring and inventory – Biometrics (E1)
The activity of forest biometrics addresses a specific issue of dendrometry, auxology, dendrochronology, monitoring and forest economy.

Ecologie forestieră (E2)
The research team carries out specific activities regarding the study of the typology, structure, biological diversity and dynamics of forest ecosystems in order to improve their conservation and sustainable management.

Genetics and Tree Breeding (E3)
The research team carries out specific activities regarding the identification, selection, establishment, use and management of valuable genetic resources, using both conventional quantitative and molecular biology research methods.

Game management and biology (E4)
The research team carries out specific activities on monitoring and management of fauna and salmonids at the national level, conservation, management and restoration of species and habitats.

Silvotehnics and ecological reconstruction (E5)
The research team carries out specific activities related to the regeneration, care and sustainable management of forests, including the application of silvicultural treatments and timber exploitation.

Forest protection (E6)
The research team carries out specific activities in order to maintain the health of the forests by developing the methods of surveillance and control of harmful forest agents (biotic and abiotic).

Forest Geomatics (E7)
The research team carries out specific activities regarding the use of GIS tools, remote sensing, photogrammetry and digital cartography in the field of forestry.