Forest Science for people and societal challenges The 90th “Marin Drăcea” INCDS Anniversary

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Area: 50.00 ha
Address: Lilieci village, Hemeiuș commune, Bacău county; at approx. 8 km from Bacău
Phone number: 0753 951 405


Hemeiuș Arboretum (Bacău county), with an area of 50.00 ha is located in Hemeiuș commune, Bacău county, and according to the first Arboertum Monograph (Mihalache 1989), the list of inventoried taxa included a number of 1346 species of trees, shrubs and vines, placing – from this point of view, it ranks second in the country and first in the region of Moldova. The originality of the Hemeiuș Arboretum is accentuated by the existence of two generations of trees: the old meadow forest (spontaneous vegetation) together with the first exotic species introduced in the period 1880-1916 and the generation of younger trees, introduced after 1956. The oldest exotic species were introduced in the period 1880-1900. In the course of time (after 1963), numerous small-scale experimental cultures of larch, Scots pine and spruce were carried out, which contribute to the realization of a mosaic aspect of the vegetation.


Historical documents place the creation of the Hemeiuș Arboretum at the end of the 19th century, owned by the Pașcanu-Cantacuzino family. Around the elegant summer residential building with a medieval air, the collection of native and exotic species later developed. Currently, the Cantacuzino-Paşcanu-Waldenburg castle complex is registered in the National Cultural Heritage of Romania, on the list of Historical Monuments in Romania, Bacău County – code BC-II-a-A-00851, being considered an important national objective.


Since 1955, the Hemeiuș Arboretum has been under the administration of the Institute and a complex of measures for conservation and development of the dendrological collection has been started, among which are: the completion and expansion of the collection, the acclimatization of exotic species of forestry interest, the installation of comparative colors with various exotic species of interest forestry and seed plantations (of Scots pine, strobe pine and larch), the maintenance and improvement of landscapes, as well as the multiplication of rare or threatened plants, as well as the expansion of the dendrological assortment used to enrich the own collection or similar collections or for various green areas urban or peri-urban.


The trust in the administration of the Institute (the current “Marin Drăcea” National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry) was realized with the nationalization of the forests in 1948.



Visiting schedule:

Photo/video fee for events within the Hemeiuș Dendrological Park: 150 lei (including VAT)