Forest Science for people and societal challenges The 90th “Marin Drăcea” INCDS Anniversary

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Competition for filling a vacant position of forester at BE VIDRA- SCDEP FOCȘANI

“Marin Drăcea” National Forestry Research-Development Institute, in accordance with the provisions of GD no. 318/2015, GEO 59/2000 and Law no. 53/2003, organizes on 06.09.2023 at 12:00 a.m. a contest to fill a vacant position of forester (COR code 314311) at BE Vidra within S.C.D.E.P. Focsani.

Candidates must cumulatively meet the following general and specific conditions:


– have Romanian citizenship and domicile in Romania;


– to know written and spoken Romanian;


– be at least 18 years old;


– to have full exercise capacity;


– have a state of physical and mental health medically approved, corresponding to the function of “forester”;


– to be a graduate of one of the following levels of education (with a diploma or equivalent – valid certificate): technological high school education, technical professional education and post-high school technical education in the field of forestry; of practical training courses or professional training programs for adults, with certified qualifications according to the National Framework of Qualifications – according to Emergency Ordinance no. 59/2000 regarding the Status of forestry personnel, art. 4 para. (2) lit. d), e), and f), in force; the studies must be completed in an educational institution with a forestry profile, accredited, recognized in Romania;


– have a diploma/certificate of graduation or a certificate of enrollment in the “Security Guard” qualification course, as well as that of handling weapons (if he does not have these diplomas, he will attend these courses as soon as possible from date of employment);


– certificate of criminal record without documents;

The competition file must be submitted by 01.09.2023, at 14:00 at the headquarters of INCDS “Marin Drăcea” in Bulevardul Eroilor no. 128, Voluntari, Ilfov county or by email at and will obligatorily include the following documents:


– application requesting the approval of the head of the unit for participation in the contest, with the concrete specification of the position for which he is applying;


– ID card;


– curriculum vitae in Europass format, signed and dated;


– diploma or valid certificate certifying the studies provided for in the conditions of participation, together with the descriptive supplement;


– the decision, the additional act to the individual employment contract or other document from which it appears that he was granted the current professional degree, respectively the current gradation, if these have already been obtained;


– graduation diploma or registration certificate at the “Security Agent” qualification course, as well as that of handling the armament (or a statement on its own responsibility that they will take these courses in the situation in which it is admitted to the competition);


– work card or report per employee from the REVISAL application, or certificate regarding length of service and specialty;


– criminal record certificate;


– medical certificate issued by the family doctor, who attests the health status, respectively that he is apt for employment on the position for which he is applying, as well as a certificate issued by an authorized psychology office, attesting a mental health corresponding to the classification. in work and acquiring the quality of forestry personnel, according to GEO 59/2000 on the Status of forestry personnel, art. 5, paragraph (2), letter. d;


– recommendation from the last job from which the professional and moral profile, or from the graduated education unit, for graduates who first fall into work;


– the proof of the former employer (the last job) from which to result if he has caused damage to the public, according to Law 22/1969, their nature and if they were covered;


The documents submitted to the file are not returned.


For the documents submitted in copies, the originals will also be presented on the day of the contest.

The competition/examination will be held at the headquarters of INCDS “Marin Drăcea” in Bulevardul Eroilor no. 128, Voluntari, Ilfov county, on 06.09.2023 at 12.00 and will consist of the following stages:


1. Selecting the files submitted by the candidates: the verification by the competition/examination commission of the conditions of participation and of the submitted documents. Communication of the results on the website of the institute with the mention “admitted/rejected” on 09/04/2023.


2. Supporting competition tests:

– Written test:

Only the candidates who were admitted to the competition stage “Selecting the files submitted by the candidates” will participate in this test, after displaying the results following the settlement of any appeals.


– Oral test (Interview).

To be declared admitted to the competition, the minimum average of the two tests (the written test and the oral test) must be at least 8 (eight). If there are several candidates in the post who have obtained at least the minimum average imposed, the highest average candidate will be admitted.


The results of the contest will be displayed on the website on the contest announcement page, after validating by the unit manager.

The schedule of the contest from 06.09.2023


between 12.00-14.00 – written test


– starting at 2:30 p.m. – oral test (Interview)


– displaying the results (the sample centralizer) on the website


After the results have been published, dissatisfied candidates can lodge an appeal within the terms set out in the announcement, under penalty of forfeiture of this right.

The communication of the results of the submitted appeals will be done by posting them on the website, specifying the final score of each candidate and the mention “ADMITTED” or “RESPINED”.


The final results of the contest, after resolving the appeals, will be displayed on the website on the page of the contest announcement.


According to the provisions of Law no. 22 of 18.11.1969 regarding the employment of managers, the creation of guarantees and liability in connection with the management of vouchers of economic agents, authorities or public institutions, with subsequent amendments and additions, as well as the INCDS “Marin Drăcea” Decision no. 371/05.10.2020 regarding the positions through which the employee acquires the capacity of manager and the establishment of guarantees, before the conclusion of the individual employment contract, in the situation where, following the competition, the candidate has been declared admitted, he will present proof of establishment of additional warranty.


Relations regarding the constitution of the additional guarantee can be obtained at the headquarters of INCDS “Marin Drăcea” or at the headquarters of BE Vidra – Financial Accounting Office.


Additional information can be obtained by accessing the website or at the Human Resources Organization Office, phone 0213503238/int. 123/138.