Project manager
Junior researcher Radu Gheorghe Raul
The specific aim
Managing the Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF) sub-domain for the Forest land use category within the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (INEGES).
Objectives and activities
I. Managing the LULUCF sub-domain, Forest land use category, within the framework of INEGES. Monitoring and estimating/reporting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and annual absorption associated with changes in carbon (C) stocks from forest land use and forest wood products.
Specific Activities:
- Monitoring land use under the UNFCCC regulations: Monitoring and reporting the areas of land use classified as Forest in an explicit spatial system, and the annual conversions between land areas classified as Forest and other land use categories (Agricultural, Pastures, Wetlands, Urban).
- Monitoring land use under the Kyoto Protocol regulations: Estimating and accounting for deforestation, afforestation/reforestation, forest management, and revegetation activities (as defined under the KP regulations), including areas affected by natural disturbances. Assessment of activities for the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol and recalculating/technically correcting the Forest Management Reference Level (FMRL) and establishing the Forest Reference Level (FRL), using data provided by the Ministry of Waters and Forests.
- Estimating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions/absorptions under UNFCCC and KP: Estimating emissions and absorptions generated by LULUCF activities, in accordance with sectoral obligations under UNFCCC, and in line with commitments made under the Kyoto Protocol.
- Research and specific studies: Identifying the need for further processing of data/information/plans/relevant primary elements to obtain data series usable in preparing the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (INEGES).
- Data processing: Incorporating and leveraging national parameters (activity data, emission factors, other relevant parameters) relevant to estimating emissions/removals generated by specific LULUCF activities, in accordance with commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol (KP).
- Annual recalculations: Implementing recalculations of emission/absorption levels included in the INEGES and Common Reporting Format (CRF) reports for previous years, as applicable.
- Uncertainties: Providing data on the uncertainties associated with emission factors and other parameters considered in estimating emission/removal levels resulting from LULUCF activities under UNFCCC and KP.
- Technical representation: Participating as a technical expert in the review activities of the INEGES LULUCF sub-domain under UNFCCC and KP, providing additional and/or updated elements upon request by the team of expert reviewers (ERT) coordinated by the UNFCCC Secretariat.
- International Participation in Working Groups: Involvement as a technical expert in working groups and other meetings at international, European, and national levels that address or include aspects related to managing the LULUCF sub-domain.
II. Administering the LULUCF sub-domain, part of the report on policies and measures for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
III. Administering the LULUCF sub-domain, part of the report on greenhouse gas emissions forecasts.
IV. Administering the LULUCF sub-domain, part of the National Communication on Climate Change and Biennial Reports.
- Romania reports forest areas according to the definition adopted under the UNFCCC Convention. (Annex 2), as areas covered by forest vegetation on surfaces of at least 0.25 hectares, with a minimum tree height of 5 meters at maturity and a tree canopy cover of at least 10% with a width greater than 20 meters, including regenerating areas.
- Two methods underlie carbon assessments (IPCC Ch.4, 2006): The Gain-Loss Method calculates net changes in biomass carbon using growth parameters, timber harvest, and mortality rates, while the Stock Difference Method compares biomass stocks between two time periods for the same forest area to determine annual stock changes. These approaches and specific data are crucial for accurate greenhouse gas inventory and management within the LULUCF sector.
- INCDS has prepared the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report for the forest land category for the periods 2012-2014 and again for 2020-2024. During this period, the methodology and data sources for assessing carbon stocks in the forest land use category of the Romanian NIR have evolved, reflecting a continuous commitment to refining annual reporting practices. This evolution has been marked by variations in methods and the integration of more precise data as it became available.
- For the reports covering the period from 2012 to 2014, the reporting team relied on data from the National Institute of Statistics, growth tables, and statistics from the forest district regarding forest area, species composition, growth, and harvest from management plans (as per NIR 2014). With the introduction of Government Decision no. 590/2019, the team began developing models that incorporate data from the National Forest Inventory regarding forest area and species composition, as well as data resulting from the SUMAL wood tracking system. This change marked a significant improvement, especially by adopting a spatial reporting system for forest areas and a stock difference approach for live biomass, deadwood, litter, and soil organic matter models. Furthermore, this implementation phase has expanded the reporting scope to include carbon pools that were previously not reported in the forest category, such as deadwood, litter, dead organic matter, and soil organic carbon.
National Reports in accordance with obligations under the UNFCCC Convention and Government Decision no. 590/2019.
- Ovidiu Badea, Catălin Tobescu, Șerban Chivulescu, Radu Gheorghe Raul, Cătălin Dragostin, 2022: Sectorul pădure-lemn în contextul schimbărilor climatice și contribuția acestuia la dezvoltarea sistemului socio-economic, Editura SILVICĂ, ISSN/ISBN: 978-606-8020-82-2, 102p
- Ciocîrlan Mihnea Ioan Cezar, Curtu, Alexandru Lucian, Radu Gheorghe Raul, 2022, „Predicting Leaf Phenology in Forest Tree Species Using UAVs and Satellite Images: A Case Study for European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)”, REMOTE SENSING, 14(24), 6198.
- Chivulescu, Serban, Radu Gheorghe Raul, Capalb Florin, Hapa Mihai, Pitar Diana, Marmureanu Luminita, Leca Stefan, Petrea Stefan, Badea Ovidiu, 2024,” Cost Valuation and Climate Mitigation Impacts of Forest Management: A Case Study from Piatra Craiului National Park, Romania”, LAND, 13(1), 17.
- Petrea Stefan, Radu Gheorghe Raul, Braga Cosmin Ion, Cucu Alexandru Bogdan, Serban Tibor, Zaharia Alexandru, Dan Pepelea, Ienasoiu Gruita, Petritan Ion Catalin, 2024,” The Role of Wood Density Variation and Biomass Allocation in Accurate Forest Carbon Stock Estimation of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Mountain Forests”, FORESTS, 15(3), 404.
- Braga, Cosmin Ion, Stefan Petrea, Gheorghe Raul Radu, Alexandru Bogdan Cucu, Tibor Serban, Alexandru Zaharia, and Stefan Leca. 2024. “Carbon Sequestration Dynamics in Peri-Urban Forests: Comparing Secondary Succession and Mature Stands under Varied Forest Management Practices” Land 13, no. 4: 492.