Forest Science for people and societal challenges The 90th “Marin Drăcea” INCDS Anniversary

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Contract: 12N/2019
Project duration: 2019-2022
Budget: 114.897.932 lei

Program Director

Senior researcher I Dr. Ovidiu Badea

Purpose of the Program

Core Program BIOSERV Sustainable management of forests to ensure biodiversity and provide multiple ecosystem services under the conditions of socio-economic and environmental changes implemented by the “Marin Drăcea” National Forestry Research and Development Institute (INCDS) in the period 2019-2022, contributed decisively to the achievement of the objectives and strategic directions of the Strategic Institutional Development Plan for the period 2020-2024, completed and updated in 202. The BIOSERV core program had a multi- and transdisciplinary, integrative character and included, as a priority, fundamental research as well as applied and experimental development activities with free access to the results obtained by all interested beneficiaries, the subject matter being structured on 6 specific objectives.

Objectives of the Program

Through the sustainable management of forests, the optimization, improvement of resistance, the ecological value of forest ecosystems and their potential to reduce negative effects on the environment, the achievement of nature and biodiversity objectives, adaptation to climate change, the conservation of genetic resources, the protection of forests, the expansion of the forest area, the modernization of forestry technologies as well as the realization of modern agroforestry systems.

The fundamental objective of the program“The contribution of research-development and innovation in forestry for the sustainable management of forests in the context of socio-economic and environmental changes”

Main objectives

  • Ensuring stability, management and increasing the functional effectiveness of forest ecosystems in the context of climate change.
  • Assessing the ecological and socio-economic impact of pests and pathogens on forest ecosystems and integrated forest protection in the context of climate change.
  • Conserving and improving the genetic diversity of forests to increase the productive, protective and adaptive potential.
  • The scientific foundation of silvotechnical works and ecological reconstruction
  • Research and assessment of the biological diversity of forests and their associated ecosystems
  • Biodiversity conservation and increased productivity in game and salmon stocks


The BioSERV core program addressed, through the component research projects, a diverse topic, specific to the Institute’s field of activity, with special reference to: stability, management and increasing the functional effectiveness of forest ecosystems in the context of climate change; the ecological and socio-economic impact of pests and pathogens on forest ecosystems and the integrated protection of forests in the context of climate change; preserving and improving the genetic diversity of forests to increase the productive, protective and adaptive potential; silvicultural and ecological forest reconstruction technologies; the biological diversity of forests and their associated ecosystems; preserving biodiversity and increasing the productivity of hunting and salmon breeding funds.


The objectives of the BIOSERV Core Program were achieved, and the estimated results were achieved in full [studies (97), scientific reports (118), models and experimental-demonstration batches (48), IT products (3), research networks (2) , solutions to societal needs – recommendations (3), technologies (2), new methodologies (18), databases including GIS databases (158), new methods (15), genetic sample banks (18) and maps digital (29). Four patents and four utility models were proposed. Also, 222 scientific articles were published, of which 114 in ISI journals with an impact factor and 106 in journals indexed in international databases, while at the same time more than 50 scientific papers were presented at workshops, symposia, national conferences and international. These results were the basis for the implementation and elaboration of proposals for new research projects (16 international projects and 38 national projects)].